Looking forward often requires we take a look back. With events budgeting is in full swing, and the decisions you make now will affect your entire year. To help you make the big decisions on how to allocate that budget, we’ve put together a collection of the most revealing and thought-provoking data and benchmarks that are trending in events marketing.
Scroll below to see the eye-opening data that will help your company make the big decisions regarding your budget, and plan your events strategy.
Data to Justify Your Marketing Spend
With events being the most effective channel for high performing companies, allocating the events budget should be a huge priority for companies because a well-managed events budget could make the difference between an OK-year and a great year. As we enter 2019, it’s clear that companies are looking at their events spend and finding ways to maximize their events budget to find even more success in the events space, as well as with their customer engagement and retention.
Data to Support Tech Investment
Companies are quickly realizing that utilizing quality event technology produces higher ROI from their event investments. Overperforming companies realize that combining their smart event tech with marketing automation tools streamline event marketing efforts, allowing companies to spend less time and effort while making more sales. In 2019 companies will continue to invest in event technology to keep their teams firing on all cylinders.
Data to Measure Event Success
With the lack of event measurement in the past, marketers are quickly adopting smarter technology and procedures to tell the story of their events. Most marketers are reporting higher ROI through Account-Based marketing strategies, especially when events are included because it combines digital implicit signals with in-person, explicit signals. However, if you’re not utilizing an event lead management solution to capture lead data and context, you’re not going to be able to fully track your efforts or prove event ROI.
Good luck with your events budgeting, and here’s hoping your 2019 events plan will be rock solid and give you the return you’ve been wanting. If you need any extra help, atEvent is the perfect partner for companies to maximize event success.